Saturday, July 24, 2010

am 21.

I live in sector no 21,the first time I ever failed an exam I scored a 21,my bike no plate has a 21,my favorite English song titles ’21 guns’. Most importantly a highlighted clause in my KUNDALI says I’ll get married when I am 21. Significant concern because I’ll be turning 21 this July..   Along with such crazy logics and many others, being 21 means a lot. Am legally declared as adult and awarded with the legal rights of taking decisions myself.
I remember all 25th july’s since I was 6.From 6 to 12, from 12 to 21 I have come a long way..Recalling all gifts since then..Once I was gifted a huge pack of Parle g biscuits by a friend..My love for these biscuits begun when SHAKTIMAAN started endorsing them. Amongst others included some pieces of sea shells brought by another friend from the Andaman some 11 years back..I still have them. But you know what present has excited me the most? Its cash or say “shagun”.
The birthday venues have promoted from school booth canteens to some of town’s best eating places..Have not been able to party with college friends because it falls in summer holidays and I don’t believe in partying 10 days before or after. All the cake cutting ceremonies that once used to be the most thrilling part  hardly bring  any joy  now when am  21. joys that birthdays bring for others happen to me everyday..
My new year begins on 25/07 and this is the day when I take resolutions too..  once I took pledge to work upon my fitness with the next 25th July as the deadline to analyze results..this has been the most disastrous resolution I ever took as it was discarded the next week...last year I pledged to score both my semesters ALL CLEAR that had not happened before in my engineering,, partially successful  coz another result is being awaited.. I also once wanted to watch as many good films as I could..Since then I have been watching films almost every day irrespective of whether its summer holidays or autumn season that brings final exams.
At 21, I feel So far in these years I have seen a lot, changed a lot, the dreams have matured from a new bicycle to a successful termination to my graduation with some descent work beyond..yes, that’s what I pledge this 25th..i wish fun around sustains, I continue the good job of watching more and more films (and make others too).a lot  to achieve, a lot more to dream I wish to make 2010_2011 the most memorable year..(Delete a 0 and 1 from both and they become 21.)
Few minutes from now, the world will start partying the 21’st anniversary of a genius..CHEERS!!


  1. ha ha ha...b'day bhi n shaadi bhi...badia h..

  2. lol bro.... be positive on ya reso...
    and may this with 21st year of yours define ur life with success, fun, more movies (lol), and wisdom
    chao and cheers!!
    happy birthday mate

  3. Happy B'day dude!!!!!

  4. Good job aksahay..happy Birthday!!!!!It takes little effort to get everything..if u try a little at a time ..u see result in fitness..which pays alot in long run so brother dont give up keep it up and get good results..again good job at writting..


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