Wednesday, June 9, 2010

UNTITLED..(wasn't required!!)

so here i am again...After writing reviews,translating legendary poetry work to crap,short stories, evrything that defines my non sense skill of litterature i  decided to write next  without  any thought procedure..
( actually am too lazy to think this time)!!!
Yes,,i didn't plan,had no thoughts of what i'll write.... i had just penned or say keyed my thoughts..PJ!! what,, if the country is going crazy y shouldn't i?? (another PJ..    was that required?/)
Since I came prepared to write without any motive or theme,what would have been easier than just  discussing myself…(can’t discuss others publicily..)
The monsoons have knocked and before i could  plan a bath out i realized it was a pre-monsoon and ended the next evening...The city had a black out that night and i really wasn't feeling sleepy partially because of thunder noise that i hate and partially due to the excitement for the showery month ahead  that is yet to begin...What more could have i done when my cell phone battery died out and my ipod had nothing new to give pleasure..
i declared my state as idle  and don't know how  i decided to think about myself,my interests,dislikes, everything that am already was familiar with..It did happen because thinking about myself makes me feel important.. That is the reason why i decided to write my next post about myself only..don't know what but it had to do with me... 
K  Let us see where we end up…I’ll start by answering some questions that am asked everyday..take it as an oppurtunity…( I don’t do it daily....)
WHY DO I CRITICISE FILMS ?? the answer is i don't criticise , i hate criticism.. i don't like to be called as a  critic..
I  think criticism is a way to xpress your jealousy..  Criticising is  the easiest job in the my case, i love films,i like to write about them.. i like to share what i like and dislike about..       I can recommend to watch a particular film but i'll never ask to avoid one..That is something to be decided indivisually, and that is why i don't give stars or rating or marks or whatesoever..
Watching films is my  hobby,that doesn't mean it is the only thing i love to do..Everyone watches films but very few try to understand them..and the ones who do, have a wiser perception towards happenings around..(atleast I think so).My passion for films has driven me crazy such that  a friend  once taunted me " tu to apni girlfriend ko filme dikha dikha k maar dega" to which i replied aS 'pehle bane to sahi"";);););)
Now many people consider it as  a crisis of my life that I NEVER HAD A GIRLFRIEND....reasons many..

Firstly i don't get  along well with girls...actually  am scared of their habbit when they keep suspecting evry other frank boy as their  follower dying to become a lover..u don’t agree?? I had experienced way back..i got to know this girl named……( doesn’t matter), we shared some general  moments,discussed  work and to my surprise weeks later the entire campus rumoured me  with a similar blame..ghosh!!!! I didn’t even clarified because I thought It wasn’t  required..and their i recited one of most common hindi film dialogues.."kya ek ladka aur ek ladki dost nai ho sakte"....OH K OH K.. i apologise for this wierd logic,,wierd yet applicable to sensless brains..
I do have some female friends and i prefer verifying my fear before  evry new girl i get to talk with..and the ones i do ,i think are sensible enough to make the difference..
secondly,a girlfriend is an expensive affair..friends are fine..atleast i can ask my female friend to pay for herself...(does that mean am  a miser..??)
if u find the above as excuses and not reasons then watch out for this not capable;);)..the word CAPABILITY here is not supposed to question my masculinity.
it simply states that am not gifted with the DIVINE senses to visualise the hindi movie lyrics when they potrayl the bond between aliens and not humans.its commendable when some lines potentially reflect our lives,,  (believe me,some really do)   but songs are a mere part of our lives,,some more things are to be taken care of along..
also I think………!!!!!!!
I think kafi hai….i doubt this is the most unimportant  peice of writing by anybody…it had nothing to tell genuine and breaches my own principles that I have mentioned on my page top…
Don’t expect any sequels  such as part 2 ,3 to it…( unless I feel  idle again)… take care and let me think of some worthy title...
(keep wondering why some lines were highlighted..)


  1. Oh! i had such a goooood laugh reading this!

  2. very good and balanced explanation .i like it and can say that i have the same reasons of not having girlfriend....


DHARTI.. spare this from criticism...

A week   after   watching one of rarest regional films in the country that crushed the bussiness of its co-released hindi film ,   I read ma...